Whether your RTU network is GSM/GPRS, UHF radio, or a combination of both, the A850 telemetry gateway will be the core of it. It is the A850 that controls when and how to retrieve data from your RTUs in the field. There are several versions available which can manage from 5 to 1000 RTU's and the software is upgradeable and scalable as your needs change. A network consisting of only GSM/GPRS RTUs only requires the A850 gateway, while a network using UHF radio RTUs will also require an A440 wireless modem.
As a result of customer feedback from the A840 telemetry gateway we have added a lot of new functionality to the new design. They include the following:
1. Changes to phone numbers, routes and polling intervals are all centrally programmed in the A850, not the RTUs. The A850 knows the route to each radio RTU, the IP address of a GPRS unit and the phone number of each GSM RTU, and it also knows exactly when and how often to retrieve data from each RTU.
2. Managing RTUs has become much more straightforward with the A850 gateway. Among many individual parameters stored in the A850 for each RTU are: type of equipment, exact location, serial number, type of battery and when it was last serviced. The network admin can asses battery voltage, internal temperature, firmware versions, uptime and many other parameters from each RTU, making it easy to spot potential problems before they cause trouble.
3. Whether analog or SDI-12 the A850 provides a huge range of sensor drivers for almost any measurable parameter and custom drivers can be easily created and stored. Correct assignment of drivers to the respective RTU port, sensor calibration and maintenance information are all controlled by the A850. The most advanced version of the A850 is capable of handling up to 10,000 sensors in the network.
4. A trend panel can now be opened directly in the A850's configurator. This now means that you can view and assess any kind of data in tabular or graphical format immediately without having to download it to third party software. Particularly useful for industrial clients who use their own SCADA software but cannot create effective view and trends with data for system diagnosis.
5. Data can be retrieved from the A850 via its 100 MBit Ethernet connector, or a USB or RS-232 connected external modem . In the majority of cases the A850 gateway will be a part of the clients intranet. It can, however, be installed anywhere there is a mains connection and either a phone line or GSM coverage. In this scenario addVANTAGE PRO 5 will retrieve the data from the gateway automatically.
6. The roof mounted A440 wireless modem comes in an IP67 rated case and is compatible with all Adcon RTUs. It can be used to communicate with the A850 gateway via a 30m RS-485 cable or if installed in a larger building or on a high mast an optional 75m low-attenuation cable is available.
Fabriqué par: Adcon Telemetry
Modéle: A850 Telemetry Gateway