Based on Adcon's low power technology and it's proven 500mW radio module, the A740 addNODE wireless SCADA Telemetry Unit offers superior flexibility and expandability and is fully compatible to other Adcon RTUs. The Telemetry unit offers Individually configurable I/O ports, analog and digital outputs, event triggered actions and plenty of memory and upgradability.
In most cases the A740 telemetry unit will be powered by the equipment that it is monitoring, but it can also be powered by a standard solar panel if necessary. The internal battery pack ensures that it will reliably report back even in the event of external power failure. Up to three A509 addPORT expansion boxes can be fitted to the A740 in situations where a large number of I/O ports is required providing a total of 50.
The A740 is license-free for an output power of 500mW e.r.p at the antenna connector and radio communication is established via the integrated 70cm band radio module. This makes installation inside industrial facilities, manholes, pumping stations and control cabinets simple and easy.
Typical applications for this equipment include water and waste water applications, where pumps and valves need to be controlled and where in situ sensors need to be remotely read and some event driven local action has to be taken, perhaps without operator input.
Fabriqué par: Adcon Telemetry
Modéle: A740 addNODE SCADA Telemetry Unit