The PM Series is an I/O Radio network that combines both long range line-of-sight coverage with ease of use and deployment. It provides reliable and accurate monitoring without wiring or conduit installation. test
The A723 Series 4 Radio Telemetry Unit (RTU) can accept up to 48 inputs, 2 digital output and power to attached sensors vis analog or SDI-12 interfaces.
The A724 addSWITCH Radio Telemetry Unit is designed to start and stop devices remotely. Rather than visiting a site to activate a latching solenoid you can send a simple radio command to the addSWITCH radio telemetry unit.
For use in difficult terrains or to bridge long distances. The A751 is easy to install and powerful with a range beyond 20km if installed correctly.
The A753 addWAVE is a universal measuring, logging and data transmission unit designed for year round unattended operation.
Compact, energy efficient , and backwards compatible wireless radio SCADA Telemetry Unit with extremely flexible I/Os, event triggered operation and modular expansion.
The A850 is at the core of all Adcon RTU networks whether GSM/GPRS, UHF radio, or a combination of both.
The RA440 bridges UHF RTUs to the GPRS network via the A850 gateway. The remote RTUs can be installed in areas where there is no GPRS/GSM service. The RA440 can then be placed at the nearest available location with GPRS/GSM service and communicate with the RTU's via UHF and the A850 gateway via GPRS/GSM.
The Model 9200 RRL Gold Remote Radio Telemetry System for Leveloggers offers a low cost, very simple method of local telemetry. The wireless system logs real time data from the Levelogger range of water level data loggers.
The Surecross DX80 radio gateway can accept up to 12 I/Os, has a 10km range and operates at <1 watt with its own internal rechargeable battery. The DX80 allows the user to connect to an ethernet network for operating Modbus/TCP or EtherNet/IP communciations.
Sure Cross MultiHop Serial Data Radios are wireless industrial communication devices that are used to extend the range of serial communication networks.
Sure Cross MultiHop Ethernet Data Radios are wireless industrial communication devices that are used to create point-to-multipoint configurations of wireless Ethernet networks. The system provides reliable communication across long distances and across difficult terrain.
The Performance Series create point to multi point networks that distribute I/O over large areas. Input and output types include discrete (dry contact, PNP/NPN), analog (0 to 10 V dc, 0 to 20 mA), temperature (thermocouple and RTD), and pulse counter.
MultiHop Modbus Data Radios extend the range of Modbus including other serial communication networks. Each radio can be set as a master, repeater or slave radio. These model ranges are available with built in discrete and analog I/O which can be accessed using the modbus protocol.
Hazardous Area Radios are an advanced combination of wireless communication, battery technology and intrinsically safe electronics. Networks are formed using DX80 Preformance Gateways installed beyond the hazardous area and one or more Nodes operating in the same frequency band.