The Orion AQ3700 portable colorimeter offers many new parameters and test ranges, all the user needs to do is select the parameter needed to measure, then the measurement range. The Orion AQ3700 benefits are highlighted in treating and monitoring effluent. By optimizing the process in wastewater treatment dirty water is moved to the next stage of process at the correct time not prior to being fully treated or over treated. Therefore not wasting chemicals and slowing down the process which requires more energy to maintain the process which is caused by over treating. Or in contrast under treating can cause problems if the discharge exceeds the permitted levels.
Historically total nitrogen and total phosphate testing has been a very long and timely reflux digestion process with expensive glassware. Results can now be produced in around an hour using persulfate digestion tube methods. Therefore, the in-process checks of the nutrient removal status ensures the user can monitor the removal status to check the final levels required are attained aswell as give advance warning if corrections to the process are required. The Orion AQ3700 portable colorimeter and its many options testing for various nitrogen and phosphate forms enables the harmful effects of algae blooms and ecosystems disruption to be reduced.
Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphate Tube Digestion tests are now available from Thermo Scientific using the AQ3700 meter. If you are already testing COD levels, you can quickly add these important tests and start reaping the benefits!
Our EPA approved methods for Drinking Water and Wastewater are noted. Additionally there are other Orion methods that use EPA-approved test methodology and are acceptable for EPA reporting. These are noted as EPA Equivalent for the sample type. The preprogrammed tests make the AQ3700 portable pocket colorimeter easy to get quick, accurate results.
Fabriqué par: Thermo Scientific
Modéle: Orion AQ3700 Portable Colorimeter