The Orion Star A123 Handheld Dissolved Oxygen Meter is waterproof and portable, it can be powered either by four AA batteries which give over 2000 hours of operation or with a universal power adapter which is sold separately to run on AC power. Icons give quick updates on battery life and completed calibration status plus, the easy to use button layout and onscreen messages help setup menu choices and calibration.
The Orion Star A123 Handheld Dissolved Oxygen Meter has two calibration options to meet procedural requirements: water-saturated air method or a Winkler titration. Automatic temperature, manual salinity input and manual barometric pressure compensation for an accurate result.
Dissolved oxygen readings will not be missed because of the AUTO-READ™system which locks in the stable reading on the screen and ready indicator alerts when readings are stable. It can be used anywhere with its IP67-rated housing and accepts Orion polarographic dissolved oxygen probes, and also has the advantage of holding up to 50 data points make it the ideal choice for dissolved oxygen readings.
This product is covered by a 3 year meter replacement warranty.
Fabriqué par: Thermo Scientific
Modéle: Orion Star A123 Dissolved Oxygen Portable Meter