The ISCO 2105 module is a network interface that enables communication between many sampling, monitoring and data retrieval devices. It can monitor assets on the network and make intelligent decisions (based on user set parameters) such as powering up samplers and sending alarm messages.
As well as Isco 2100 series flow modules and ADFM doppler flow meters, the 2105 can also be used with equipment from other suppliers that have Modbus or SDI-12 outputs. Aftermarket converters can also be used with the 2105 to give additional input options.
The 2105 uses the modular design used in many of Isco's instruments, enabling it to be stacked with other 2100 series flow, interface, display and communication modules, and an optional built- in cell phone modem allows remote access to stored data or the internet.
Fabriqué par: Teledyne ISCO
Modéle: 2105 Network Interface Module